Monday 2 September 2013


Round 4 of chemotherapy is complete and Justin came through it virtually unscathed!  He had no nausea to speak of this time around.  It was amazing!  With school starting in three days, it looks like he will be there for the first day with no ill effects. I met with Justin's teacher a couple of weeks ago to discuss his school year and it will look quite different.  I explained to her that he will be missing quite a bit of school.  She was wonderful and very understanding and accommodating to Justin's situation.  She said that he need not worry about any deadlines or falling behind; his main concern should be his health.  Since she taught Justin last year, she knows his work habits and writing skills. She said she wants to focus mainly on math with him because he will need those concepts in Grade 9 next year.  This took any stress and worry off of Justin's shoulders and he is now looking forward to going back.

This time last year, I was gearing up for my first day back at work after having the summer off.  This year it looks a little different for me as well.  I have decided to take a year-long leave of absence due to Justin's diagnosis.  With his schedule of chemotherapy, possible surgeries, radiation and Cancer Care appointments it just doesn't seem feasible for me to work full time.  After seven years back in the workforce, I am once again a stay-at-home mom.  I can't think of anything more important for me to be doing this year.  I'm a little worried that I may become bored when Justin is well and attending school as normal, but I need to be here if he is feeling too nauseous to go to school or in the event that he becomes ill.  The chemo knocks out his defences when it kills his healthy blood cells along with the cancer cells.  Thus, he is vulnerable to infection.  There will be times when he is unable to go to school just based on that alone.  It's all about his 'counts'. 

So, this is a year of changes.  They say change is good.  I'm not sure I would call any of this good, but it is what it is and we do what we have to do.  And I have to, no - want to be here for my family. ♥

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